Gleis 21
Details   Views:  52
Data Info
City Vienna
Country Austria
Year 2019
Program Cooperative Housing
Technical Info
Site area 1691 sqm
Gfa 3886 sqm
Density 2 far
Population density 0 inh/ha
Home Units: 34
Jobs 0
Streetsroad: 0 %
Buildup: 0 %
NonBuild-up: 0 %
Residential 0 %
Business 0 %
Commercial 0 %
Civic 0 %
  • It is a co-housing project planned with a highly participatory process involving the residents.
  • The highly participatory planning process involves an “assembly”. Assembly refers to a system in Vienna where a group of interested individuals come together to create their own community and living spaces.
  • The building is made of a hybrid timber construction with 34 dwelling units.
  • The small floor plan of the individual units is compensated with the many shared community facilities that residents can avail such as shared kitchens and gyms.
  • The ground floor has been activated with community facilities to create a vibrant streetscape.
  • The dwelling units open onto a shared corridor which acts as an interstitial public space while private balconies are provided for every unit.
  • The three main themes incorporated are living in solidarity, astute recreation and the integration of media. Some of the housing units are reserved for refugees.
  • Cultural programmes are hosted for residents and the neighborhood through tie-ups with local media companies. Top floors have extensive community facilities chosen by residents such as a library,co-working spaces and sky-view bathtub.
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